Leopoldo Bertossi is a professor at the SKEMA Business School Canada (Montreal). His broad research interests are related to Artificial Intelligence and Data Science; in particular, he has done research on explainable machine learning, logical and uncertain knowledge representation, data management, computational logic, ontology-based data access, and causality. Since 2019 he has been a Professor Emeritus of the School of Computer Science, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). he is also a Senior Researcher at the "Millennium Institute on Foundations of Data Research" (IMFD, Chile), and an International Investigator at the "National Basal Center for AI Research" (CENIA, Chile). Between 2001-2019 he was a Full Professor at Carleton University. Between 2019-22 he was Full Professor and the Director of the MSc and PhD Programs in Data Science at the "Universidad Adolfo IbaƱez (UAI, Chile), of which he remains as a Senior UAI Fellow. He has also been a Senior Computer Scientist at RelationalAI Inc.; and until 2001, a Professor at the School of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC, Chile). He has PhD in Mathematics by the PUC, Chile.