The IJCAI-01 Workshop on
Seattle, August 6th, 2001
listAcceptedPapers .
The problem of reasoning in the presence of inconsistency has been
studied by the mathematical logic community for some decades.
Nevertheless, new challenges, problems and issues have appeared in
the context of knowledge representation in AI, database systems,
formal specifications and other areas of computer science. The main
goal of this workshop is to identify new inconsistency-related
problems of conceptual and practical significance, and the ways they
are handled in different contexts.
The workshop is expected to bring together people from different
research communities (knowledge representation, databases, formal
specifications, mathematical and philosophical logic) that are
actively pursuing the issue of inconsistency. We hope that the
presentation of different perspectives on inconsistency will be
mutually enriching and will stimulate further research.
We are interested in the following topics (the list is not exclusive):
- Inconsistency handling: prevention, detection, resolution
- Causes of inconsistency
- Reasoning in the presence of inconsistency
- Inconsistency in non-classical logics and argumentation systems
- Inconsistency in databases
- Integrity Constraints
- Information fusion
- Data reconciliation and cleaning
- Inconsistency and belief revision/update
- Action conflicts and their resolution
- Inconsistency in formal specifications
- Implementation issues
To encourage interaction and a broad exchange of ideas, IJCAI'01
workshops will be limited to 40 participants. Attendance is limited
to active participants only. Workshop attendees must register for the
main IJCAI conference, to be held after the workshops days
(August 7-10). An additional workshop fee will be charged for each
The technical program will include a couple of invited talks by
leading experts in the field, a panel discussion, and contributed
Organizing Committee:
- Leo Bertossi (Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Ingenieria,
Depto. Ciencia de Computacion, Casilla 306, Santiago 22, Chile.
Phone: (56-2) 686 4441.
- Philippe Besnard (Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse,
IRIT - Universite Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne,
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France. Phone: +33 56155-8123.
- Jan Chomicki (SUNY at Buffalo,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 226 Bell Hall,
Box 602000, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-2000, USA.
Phone: (716) 645-3180 ext.103.
- Anthony Hunter (University College London,
Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower
London WC1E 6BT, UK. Phone: +44 171 380 7295.
Program Committee:
- Diderik Batens (U. Gent, Belgium)
- Leo Bertossi (U. Catolica de Chile)
- Philippe Besnard (Universite Paul Sabatier, France)
- Laurence Cholvy (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
- Jan Chomicki (University at Buffalo, USA)
- Anthony Hunter (University College London, England)
- Michael Kifer (SUNY Stony Brook, USA)
- Jorge Lobo (Bell Labs., USA)
- Alberto Mendelzon (U. Toronto, Canada)
- Stuart Shapiro (University at Buffalo, USA)
- Francesca Toni (Imperial College London, England)
- Mary-Anne Williams (U. Newcastle, Australia)
- Roel Wieringa (U. Twente, Netherlands)
Paper Format:
Researchers interested in presenting their results at the workshop are
invited to submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages in IJCAI format
Other potential participants are expected to submit a short (2 pages)
statement of interest outlining their research and their reasons for
To submit your paper send a plain ASCII version of your title page
including title, abstract, author names (including affiliations, email
and postal addresses), and the file name of your submission to
The paper itself has to be sent by e-mail as a .ps or .pdf file to Please use a file name starting with the name of the
first author. Make sure the paper can be printed in letter size.
The accepted papers will be published in the working notes of the workshop.
Relevant Dates:
- Submission deadline: March 08, 2001
- Notification of acceptance: April 05, 2001
- Camera ready copy and author registration due: April 18, 2001
For more information on workshops at IJCAI'01 see: