  • What:
    Constitution of the Carleton Computer Science Graduate and Research Society
    1. Name

      This organization shall be known as the "Carleton Computer Science Graduate and Research Society". Hereinafter referred to as the "CSGS".

    2. Objectives

      The objectives of the CSGS are:

      1. act as an ambassador-liaison for the membership to faculty and administration of the School of Computer Science,
      2. strive to create an environment conducive to the study of computer science,
      3. facilitate members in obtaining computer science-related materials,
      4. organize seminars related to the field of computer science if desired by the membership,
      5. provide ongoing assistance to students and faculty regarding current topics in computer science,
      6. facilitate special interest groups for those members of the CSGS who wish to focus on a particular topic of mutual interest, and
      7. to organize social events ranging from active involvement during orientation to a year end engagement will be organized as desired by membership.
    3. Membership

      The membership is defined as any person who is interested in computer science, who believes in the objectives of the CSGS, and who pays the annual membership fee.

    4. Fees

      The annual membership fee shall be three dollars.

    5. Officers

      The officers of the CSGS shall consist of:

      1. President
      2. Vice President of Operations
      3. Vice President of Programming
      4. Treasurer / Secretary
      5. Representation / Publicity Coordinator
      6. Social / Leisure Director

      These officers shall form the Executive Committee of the CSGS. A minimum of three positions must be filled to form the Executive Committee; President, Vice President of Operations, and Vice President of Programming.

      Duties of the officers:

      1. The President shall:

        1. Preside at all meetings of the CSGS.
        2. Be informed by the other executive members of the general operation of the CSGS and the progress of any planned activities.
        3. Sign cheques in payment of authorized accounts and bills.
        4. Appoint all committes of the CSGS and the committee chairs of such committees.
        5. Attempt, to the best of their ability, to motivate executive members and volunteers, and ensure positive relations with the faculty and School of Computer Science.
      2. The Vice President of Operations shall:

        1. Assist all other officers in all their duties, to the best of their ability.
        2. Assume, in the absence of the President, all the duties of the office of the President, to the best of their ability.
        3. Schedule and book rooms for general membership and executive meetings and special activities in the absence of an activity leader.
      3. The Vice President of Programming shall:

        1. Assist and coordinate programming groups and projects for and involving the CSGS members and non-members.
      4. The Treasurer / Secretary:

        1. Receive all monies, issue and sign cheques for all authorized expenditures and present such cheques to the President for signature.
        2. Keep a proper account of all financial affairs of the CSGS.
        3. Submit a year-end hardcopy summary of all transactions for the CSGS archives.
        4. Be responsible for all official correspondence from the CSGS.
        5. Give due notice of all meetings; minimum one week for executive, two weeks for general.
        6. Keep adequate minutes of all meetings, and post the minutes of general meetings.
        7. Keep the membership roll of the CSGS.
        8. Collect and tabulate all votes.
        9. The said Treasurer / Secratary, in order to qualify, must be a student of Carleton University.
      5. The Representation / Publicity Coordinator shall:

        1. Use all means available to the society (newsgroup, university newspapers, posters, representatives, etc.) in order to promote the society in general and any society events, including social activities, help sessions, meetings, projects, seminars, etc.
        2. Be in charge of ensuring that the CSGS is represented on School committees. This can either be done by the coordinator or by volunteers.
        3. Reporting any relevant information from volunteers or committees to the executive and general membership.
      6. The Social / Leisure Director shall:

        1. Be responsible for strengthening membership involvement in the society through the organization of social society events. These social events should reflect the will of the membership and should be planned accordingly as to facilitate all those who wish to participate.
        2. Ensure that time and funding is allocated to social events for the membership.
    6. CSGS Executive

      The CSGS executive, in general, is to act as an administration for society affairs. It is subject to the will of the membership at all times, and is dedicated to facilitating the membership or groups of members in attaining goals or completing projects previously approved by the membership or executive.

      The responsibilities of each individual position is the responsibility of the executive as a whole. The allocation of responsibilities above should be viewed as a guideline for the executive. This is an informal clause for the executive to mix and match responsibilities to different positions as it sees fit if this reallocation further facilitates the executive in meeting its commitments and responsibilities as a whole.

      A motion for impeachment of any member of the executive can be brought forward at any meeting by any member in attendance. Members must be notified of such a motion two weeks in advance. A two-thirds majority vote of members present at the following general meeting is needed to impeach a member from an executive position.

    7. Representation

      The CSGS, as ambassador-liaison between the membership and the School, has the opportunity to sit representatives on selected School committees. It would be in the CSGS's and membership's best interest to have representation on these committees. Each seat will be filled by a volunteer from the membership (where possible).

      All representatives shall report directly to the Representations / Publicity Coordinator, and may be required to report to the membership or executive as required, as deemed necessary by the coordinator, the executive or the membership.

    8. Meetings

      A formal schedule of general membership and executive meetings will be presented to the membership at the first membership meeting. The schedule will be produced in an attempt to ensure that the maximum number of members can attend. At this first meeting, the membership will voice their concerns and opinions, and the schedule can be altered as necessary. At the end of the first meeting, this schedule will become a strict guideline for the executive to follow, and will change only as membership needs require it to.

      Thereafter, meetings will be held on their respective dates, as indicated by the approved schedule.

    9. Amendments

      Members must be notified of a motion indicating the intention of any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the CSGS two weeks in advance of that meeting at which the Constitution is to be discussed. The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members present at the following general meeting.

    10. Voting

      1. A voting member shall be any person who qualifies as a member.
      2. The officers shall be elected by the voting members before the third week of March.
      3. The officers shall hold office from May 1st until April 30th of their elected year.
      4. Call for elections must be posted four weeks prior to the election being held.
      5. Voting shall be conducted by a count of yeas vs. nays.
      6. The Secretary shall collect (if applicable) all votes, and determine the outcome.
    11. Special Activities / Projects Groups

      Groups may be formed at any meeting to handle special activities or events planned by the CSGS. Group leaders shall inform the executive of activity/project progress throughout the life of the activity/project via email. Group leaders may be required to report at either executive or membership meetings as deemed necessary by the officers or the membership.

    12. Dissolution

      In the event of the dissolution of the CSGS, all assets of the CSGS shall be transferred to the CCSS / School of Computer Science.