package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * The page for the main game. *

* Created by Mike on 11/8/2015. */ @Lazy @Component public class IndexPage extends AbstractPage { @FindBy(id = "connect") public WebElement connect; @FindBy(id = "disconnect") public WebElement disconnect; @FindBy(id = "numberPlayers") public WebElement numberPlayers; @FindBy(id = "open") public WebElement open; @FindBy(id = "start") public WebElement start; @FindBy(id = "stay") public WebElement stay; @FindBy(id = "hit") public WebElement hit; @FindBy(id = "split") public WebElement split; @FindBy(id = "consoleText") public WebElement consoleText; @FindBy(id = "playerHandCards") public WebElement playerCards; @FindBy(id = "dealerHandCards") public WebElement dealerCards; @FindBy(id = "otherHandCards1") public WebElement otherPlayer1Cards; @FindBy(id = "otherHandCards2") public WebElement otherPlayer2Cards; @FindBy(id = "console") public WebElement console; /** * Quick start the game by connecting, opening the lobby, and starting the game. */ public void quickStart() { this.connect(); this.numberPlayers.sendKeys("1");;; } public int countNumberOfCardsFor(final WebElement cardList) { return this.getAllCardsFor(cardList).size(); } /** * Fetch all the inner nodes of the given web element. * * @param cardList the list. * @return the list of 'li' elements. */ public List getAllCardsFor(final WebElement cardList) { return this.webDriver.findElements(By.xpath(String.format("//ul[@id='%s']/li", cardList.getAttribute("id")))); } /** * Return the player's UID if connected. * * @return the UID. */ public String getPlayerUID() { if (!this.connect.isEnabled()) { final String consoleText = this.consoleText.getText(); return consoleText.replace("Console (UID: ", "").replace(")", "").trim(); } return null; } /** * Connect to the game. */ public void connect() {; } /** * Disconnect from the game. */ public void disconnect() {; } /** * Set the number of players. * * @param number the number of players. */ public void setNumberPlayers(final int number) { this.webDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (this.webDriver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) { ((JavascriptExecutor) this.webDriver).executeScript( String.format("document.getElementById('numberPlayers').setAttribute('value', '%s')", number)); } this.webDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } @Override protected String getPageName() { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } }