Feature: Dealer To determine the option that the dealer of the game will use when it is their turn. Scenario: Dealer should always hit if his hand value is less than 17 Given a card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'QUEEN' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'true' And another card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'THREE' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When it is the dealer's turn to make a move Then the dealer should perform their turn And the dealer's last move will either be 'HIT' if their hand value is less than or equal to 21, else 'BUST' And the dealer's hand should have one more card than before Scenario: Dealer should stay if their hand value totals 17 and they do not have an ace Given a card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'QUEEN' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'true' And another card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'SEVEN' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When it is the dealer's turn to make a move Then the dealer should perform their turn And the dealer's last move should be 'STAY' And the dealer's hand should have the same number of cards Scenario: Dealer should hit if their hand value totals 17 and they have an ace Given a card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'SIX' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'true' And another card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'ACE_HIGH' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When it is the dealer's turn to make a move Then the dealer should perform their turn And the dealer's last move will either be 'HIT' if their hand value is less than or equal to 21, else 'BUST' And the dealer's hand should have one more card than before Scenario: Dealer should hit in all other scenarios Given a card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'TWO' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'true' And another card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'THREE' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When it is the dealer's turn to make a move Then the dealer should perform their turn And the dealer's last move will either be 'HIT' if their hand value is less than or equal to 21, else 'BUST' And the dealer's hand should have one more card than before Scenario: Dealer should hit in all other scenarios Given a card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'TEN' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'true' And another card in the dealer's hand with the rank 'TEN' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When it is the dealer's turn to make a move Then the dealer should perform their turn And the dealer's last move will either be 'HIT' if their hand value is less than or equal to 21, else 'BUST' And the dealer's hand should have one more card than before