package; /** * Stores message strings to use across the application. *

* Created by Mike on 10/7/2015. */ public class MessageUtil { public enum Message { PLAYER_CONNECTED("|CONNECTED|Successfully connected to the game with unique id %s."), OTHER_PLAYER_CONNECTED("|OTHER+CONNECTED|%s has connected to the game."), PLAYER_DISCONNECTED("|DISCONNECTED|Disconnected to the game with unique id %s."), OTHER_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED( "|OTHER+DISCONNECTED|%s has disconnected from the game. He will be replaced by an AI if he isn't the admin."), ADMIN_SET( "|ADMIN|You have been designated the admin for this game. Enter the number of players/AI and open the lobby."), NOT_ACCEPTING("|NOT+ACCEPTING|The game isn't accepting connections. You will be disconnected."), STARTING_GAME("|GAME+START|The game has started! Please wait for your turn."), DEALING_CARDS("|DEALING+CARDS|Updated cards."), ADD_PLAYER_CARD("|ADD+PLAYER+CARD|%s"), ADD_DEALER_CARD("|ADD+DEALER+CARD|%s"), // Send index 0 or 1 so we know which one to fill out, as well as their ID to set. ADD_OTHER_PLAYER_CARD("|ADD+OTHER+PLAYER+CARD|%s|%s|%s"), PLAYER_VALUE("|PLAYER+VALUE|%s"), DEALER_VALUE("|DEALER+VALUE|%s"), // index, value OTHER_VALUE("|OTHER+VALUE|%s|%s"), READY_TO_START("|READY+TO+START|The game is now ready to begin. Press start when ready."), OTHER_READY_TO_START("|OTHER+READY+TO+START|The game is now ready to begin. Waiting on admin to start."), YOUR_TURN("|YOUR+TURN|It is your turn, please select one of the three available game options."), SKIPPING("|SKIP|Skipping %s's turn because they are : %s."), MOVE_MADE("|OTHER+MOVE|%s made their turn and %s."), BUST("|BUST|You busted! Please wait for next round."), SEVEN_CARD_CHARLIE("|SEVEN+CHARLIE|You got a seven card charlie and won!"), PROCESSING_AI("|AI+TURN|All real players have made their choices. Now processing AI decisions."), CHARLIE("|CHARLIE|%s has won with a seven card charlie!"), WINNER("|WINNER|%s won with a score of %s!"), LOSER("|LOSER|%s lost, better luck next time!"), RESET("|RESET|Please wait for the administrator to start the next round."), RESET_ADMIN("|RESET+ADMIN|To start another round, press the start button."), ALL_QUIT("|ALL+QUIT|The administrator has left. Current sessions will be disconnected."); private final String content; Message(final String content) { this.content = content; } public String getContent() { return this.content; } } private static final String SERVER_UID = "Server"; public static MessageBuilder message(final Message message, final Object... formatArgs) { return new MessageBuilder(message.getContent()) .withFormat(formatArgs) .withSender(SERVER_UID); } }