Feature: Win Conditions To outline the winning conditions of the game. Scenario: Player immediately wins if they have 7 cards without busting Given a card in the player's hand with the rank 'THREE' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'true' And another card in the player's hand with the rank 'THREE' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And another card in the player's hand with the rank 'TWO' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'false' And another card in the player's hand with the rank 'TWO' and suit 'SPADES' and hidden 'false' And another card in the player's hand with the rank 'TWO' and suit 'CLUBS' and hidden 'false' And another card in the player's hand with the rank 'TWO' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When the player draws his seventh card with the rank 'ACE_LOW' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And the player's hand value doesn't exceed 21 Then the player immediately wins with a seven card charlie And the player's status should be set And the other player's statuses should be set Scenario: When players tie with scores, the player lowest amount of cards is the winner Given A player playing the game And Another player playing the game When player 1 has a card with the rank 'THREE' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 1 has another card with the rank 'SIX' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 2 has a card with the rank 'NINE' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When the game is resolved Then player 1 should have a hand status of 'LOSER' And player 2 should have a hand status of 'WINNER' Scenario: Player with highest score that didn't bust wins Given A player playing the game And Another player playing the game When player 1 has a card with the rank 'THREE' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 1 has another card with the rank 'FOUR' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 2 has a card with the rank 'SIX' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' When the game is resolved Then player 1 should have a hand status of 'WINNER' And player 2 should have a hand status of 'LOSER' And player 1 should have a hand that isn't bust Scenario: No winners are possible when everyone busts Given a player playing the game And Another player playing the game When player 1 has a card with the rank 'TEN' and suit 'SPADES' and hidden 'false' And player 1 has another card with the rank 'TEN' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 1 has another card with the rank 'TEN' and suit 'DIAMONDS' and hidden 'false' And player 2 has a card with the rank 'TEN' and suit 'CLUBS' and hidden 'false' And player 2 has another card with the rank 'JACK' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 2 has another card with the rank 'QUEEN' and suit 'HEARTS' and hidden 'false' And player 1 has his last option as 'BUST' And player 2 has his last option as 'BUST' When the game is resolved Then player 1 should have a hand status of 'LOSER' And player 2 should have a hand status of 'LOSER'