CMS Workshop on Algorithmic Mathematics (Dec 08, Ottawa)
MSN 2008 (10-12 Dec, Wuhan, China)
CISE 2008 (08-10 Dec, Kharagpur, India).
SecPri_WiMob 2008
(October 12, 2008, Avignon, France).
WiMob 2008 (October 12-14, Avignon, France)
ADVCOMP 08 (Sep 29-Oct 4, Valencia, Spain)
ACM/ICST Autonomics 2008
(Sep 23-25, Turin, Italy)
IASTED Conference on Sensor Networks (September 29 -October 1,
Crete, Greece)
(Sep 29 - Oct 2, Atlanta, Georgia)
ADHOCNOW 2008 (Sep 10-12, Nice, France)
LAACS 2008
(Sep 08-09, Gramado, Brazil)
SENSORCOM 2008 (Aug, 25-31, Cap Esterel, France)
COCOA 2008 Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (Aug 21-24, St Johns, NF)
Routing in Oaxaca (Aug 04-08, Oaxaca, Mexico)
Fields Institute Workshop on New Directions in Cryptography
(June 26-28, 2008 University of Ottawa)
DCOSS 2008 (Santorini Island, Greece, June 11-14)
2nd Canada-France Congress (June 01-06, Montreal)
FPS 2008 (May 31-June 02, Montreal, Quebec)
Networking 2008
(IFIP, May, Atlanta, Georgia)
WISTP 2008 (May 13-16, Seville, Spain)
IFIP Networking (May 05-09, Singapore)
CNSR 08 Communication Networks and Services Research
(Halifax, NS, May 05-08)
MITACS Wireless Security Day (April 03)
Seminar on Networks: SEMNET (Monthly)
Informal Seminar on Networks: INFONET (Bi-weekly)