public class Bank { private static final int ACCOUNT_CAPACITY = 100; private String name; private BankAccount[] accounts; private int numberOfAccounts; public Bank(String n) { name = n; numberOfAccounts = 0; accounts = new BankAccount[ACCOUNT_CAPACITY]; } // These are the get methods (set methods are not allowed) public String getName() { return name; } public BankAccount[] getAccounts() { return accounts; } public int getNumberOfAccounts() { return numberOfAccounts; } // This returns a string representation of the bank public String toString() { return name + " with " + numberOfAccounts + " accounts"; } // Add an account to the bank private void addAccount(BankAccount b){ if (numberOfAccounts < ACCOUNT_CAPACITY) accounts[numberOfAccounts++] = b; } // Open a bank account for this customer public void openAccount(Customer c){ addAccount(new BankAccount(c)); } // Deposit an amount of money into account with given accountNumber public boolean deposit(int accNum, float amount) { for (int i=0; i