public class BankAccount { private static int LAST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = 100000; private Customer owner; private int accountNumber; private float balance; // This is the zero-parameter constructor public BankAccount() { owner = null; accountNumber = ++LAST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER; balance = 0; } // This is a 1-parameter constructor public BankAccount(Customer c) { owner = c; balance = 0; accountNumber = ++LAST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER; } // These are the get methods public Customer getOwner() { return owner; } public int getAccountNumber() { return accountNumber; } public float getBalance() { return balance; } public String toString() { return "Bank Account #" + accountNumber + " with balance $" + String.format("%,1.2f", balance); } public void deposit(float amount) { balance += amount; } public boolean withdraw(float amount) { if (amount <= balance) { balance -= amount; return true; } return false; } }