public class BankTestProgram { public static void main(String[] args) { // Make a Bank Bank myBank = new Bank("Mark's Bank"); // Make some bank accounts with customers myBank.openAccount(new Customer("Tim", "Foil", new Address("12", "Elm St."), "613-555-5555")); myBank.openAccount(new Customer("Dan", "Sing", new Address("1267A", "Oak St."), "613-555-5556")); myBank.openAccount(new Customer("Fran", "Tick", new Address("4761", "Pine Cres."), "613-555-5557")); myBank.deposit(100001, 125); myBank.deposit(100002, 3245.02f); myBank.withdraw(100002, 1000); myBank.withdraw(100003, 20); System.out.println("\nHere are the bank accounts:"); myBank.listAccounts(); System.out.println("\n\nThe bank has this much money: $" + String.format("%,1.2f", myBank.totalOfAllBalances())); } }