#include int main() { int kind; float cost; char size; printf("Luigi's Pizza \n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" S(SML) M(MED) L(LRG)\n"); printf("1. Cheese 5.00 7.50 10.00 \n"); printf("2. Pepperoni 5.75 8.63 11.50 \n"); printf("3. Combination 6.50 9.75 13.00 \n"); printf("4. Vegetarian 7.25 10.88 14.50 \n"); printf("5. Meat Lovers 8.00 12.00 16.00 \n\n"); printf("What kind of pizza do you want (1-5) ?\n"); scanf("%d", &kind); while(getchar() != '\n'); printf("What size of pizza do you want (S, M, L) ?\n"); scanf("%c", &size); while(getchar() != '\n'); cost = 4.25 + (kind * 0.75); if (size == 'M') cost *= 1.5; else if (size == 'L') cost *= 2; printf("\nThe cost of the pizza is: $%0.2f\n", cost); printf("The price with tax is: $%0.2f\n", cost * 1.13); return 0; }