Updates for the Bibliography in the book Geometric Spanner Networks
- Page 483:
P. K. Agarwal, R. Klein, C. Knauer, S. Langerman, P. Morin, M. Sharir,
and M. Soss.
Computing the detour and spanning ratio of paths, trees, and cycles
in 2D and 3D.
Discrete & Computational Geometry, volume 39, 2008, pages 17-37.
- Pages 483 and 493: The papers by Aronov et al. (2005) and
Smid (2006) have been merged:
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, O. Cheong, J. Gudmundsson, H. Haverkort,
M. Smid, and A. Vigneron.
Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, volume 40, 2008,
pages 207-219.
- Pages 484-485: The paper by Bose, Smid, and Xu has appeared in a
P. Bose, M. Smid, and D. Xu.
Delaunay and diamond triangulations contain spanners of bounded
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,
volume 19, 2009, pages 119-140.
- Page 485: The paper by Cabello has appeared in a journal:
S. Cabello.
Many distances in planar graphs.
Algorithmica, volume 62, 2012, pages 361-381.
- Page 486: The paper by Cheong, Haverkort, and Lee has appeared in a
O. Cheong, H. Haverkort, and M. Lee.
Computing a minimum-dilation spanning tree is NP-hard.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, volume 41,
2008, pages 188-205.
- Page 487: The paper by Ebbers-Baumann, Gr{\"u}ne, and Klein
(2004a) has appeared in a journal:
A. Ebbers-Baumann, A. Gr{\"u}ne, and R. Klein.
Geometric dilation of closed planar curves: New lower bounds.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, volume 37,
2007, pages 188-208.
- Page 487: The paper by Ebbers-Baumann, Gr{\"u}ne, Karpinski, Klein,
Knauer, and Lingas has appeared in a journal:
A. Ebbers-Baumann, A. Gr{\"u}ne, R. Klein, M. Karpinski, C. Knauer,
and A. Lingas.
Embedding point sets into plane graphs of small dilation.
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,
volume 17, 2007, pages 201-230.
- Pages 487-488: The paper by Eppstein and Wortman has appeared in a
D. Eppstein and K. A. Wortman.
Minimum dilation stars.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, volume 37,
2007, pages 27-37.
- Page 488: The paper by Farshi, Giannopoulos, and Gudmundsson has
appeared in a journal:
M. Farshi, P. Giannopoulos, and J. Gudmundsson.
Improving the stretch factor of a geometric network by edge
SIAM Journal on Computing, volume 38, 2008, pages 226-240.
- Page 488:
J. Gudmundsson and C. Knauer.
Dilation and detours in geometric networks.
Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics
(T. F. Gonzalez, editor), Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton,
2007, pages 52-1 - 52-17.
- Pages 488-489: The paper by Gudmundsson and Smid has appeared in a
J. Gudmundsson and M. Smid.
On spanners of geometric graphs.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,
volume 20, 2009, pages 135-149.
- Page 489:
J. Gudmundsson, C. Levcopoulos, G. Narasimhan, and M. Smid.
Approximate distance oracles for geometric spanners.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, volume 4, 2008, Article 10.
- Page 490: The paper by Klein et al. has appeared in a journal:
R. Klein, C. Knauer, G. Narasimhan, and M. Smid.
On the dilation spectrum of paths, cycles, and trees.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, volume 42, 2009,
pages 923-933.
- Page 490:
R. Klein and M. Kutz.
Computing geometric minimum-dilation graphs is NP-hard.
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Graph Drawing
(GD 2006).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4372,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007, pages 196-207.
- The paper has appeared in a journal:
P. Giannopoulos, R. Klein, C. Knauer, M. Kutz, and D. Marx.
Computing geometric minimum-dilation graphs is NP-hard.
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,
volume 20, 2010, pages 147-173.
- Page 492: The paper by Mulzer and Rote has appeared in a journal:
W. Mulzer and G. Rote.
Minimum-weight triangulation is NP-hard.
Journal of the ACM, volume 55, 2008, article 11.