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Geometry processing (COMP 5900Y) - Winter 2019

Co-segmentation of a shape family


The course covers concepts, representations, and algorithms for analyzing and processing 3D geometric models. We will discuss the geometry processing pipeline that starts with the acquisition of geometric models (e.g., with laser scanning or stereo imaging) and goes all the way to the fabrication (3D printing) of the models. More specifically, we will discuss the tasks of acquisition, reconstruction, analysis, manipulation, editing, and fabrication of complex 3D models, and representations such as triangle meshes and implicit functions. The techniques covered have applications in computer graphics, engineering, medical imaging, and many other areas, while the field is still the subject of much active work and presents opportunities for future research.


Learning outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:


Experience with C++ programming, familiarity with linear algebra (vectors, matrices, etc.), and eagerness to study mathematical concepts and algorithms. Familiarity with computer graphics and/or computer vision and/or image processing are a plus.

Recommended book

M. Botsch, L. Kobbelt, M. Pauly, P. Alliez, and B. Levy, "Polygon Mesh Processing", A K Peters/CRC Press, 2010.

We will follow this book closely in the course. Each topic will also have additional references and suggested readings.


Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:05pm-5:25pm, Mackenzie Building 4332.


The grade will be based on a paper presentation, assignments and a final course project.


Oliver van Kaick.
You can find more information about the course (such as a detailed list of topics) at cuLearn. You can also e-mail me at Oliver.vanKaick at carleton dot ca for any questions regarding the course.