Alan Tsang

Assistant Professor


[Winter, 2024] COMP 4602: Social Networking
[Fall, 2023] COMP 5900G / 4900B: Multiagent Systems [Syllabus]
[Fall, 2023] COMP 4701: Computing, Society, and Ethics [Syllabus]
[Fall, 2022] COMP 5900G / 4900B: Multiagent Systems
[Fall, 2022] COMP 4701 A/B: Computing, Society, and Ethics
[Fall, 2021] COMP 5900G / 4900B: Multiagent Systems
[Fall, 2021] COMP 4701 A/B: Computing, Society, and Ethics (previously offered as COMP 4900C)
[Winter, 2022] COMP 4602 Social Networking
[Fall, 2021] COMP 5900G / 4900B: Multiagent Systems
[Fall, 2021] COMP 4900C: Computing, Society and Ethics
[Winter, 2021] COMP 5900 / 4900A: Multiagent Systems [Syllabus]
[Winter, 2021] COMP 4107: Neural Networks [Syllabus]
[Fall, 2020] COMP 4900C: Computing, Society and Ethics [Syllabus]

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Fundamentals of University Teaching, University of Waterloo