Xiaojun Nie and Yiqiang Q. Zhao, Carleton University TITLE: IPv6 Routing Table Lookup and Packet Classification Abstract: Next generation network Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is designed to provide more advanced features than current IPv4 does, such as simplified header architecture, built-in security, true mobility, and address auto-configuration. However, IPv6 cannot solve all problems of IPv4, such as IP lookup and packet classification in the packet forwarding. In IPv6 packet headers, source and destination addresses are 128-bit long, four times longer than ones in IPv4, which not only increase the demand for memory access in lookup and packet classification, but also enlarge the size of the routing table or the rule table as more and more IP addresses are assigned. This unsettled issue can be solved by designing high performance and cost efficient search schemes. This talk presents an IP lookup scheme that speeds up the search rate and reduces the memory requirement by deploying small amount fast on-chip memory such as SRAM and efficient data structure, dynamic hash tables. The key technique in this approach is to predict the search key length by employing a mathematical model. A packet classification algorithm that reduces the high-dimensional classification into a simpler lower or one dimensional search by using bit characteristics is also introduced in the talk.