Computing and Communication

Led by Evangelos Kranakis

This project investigates how network topology (e.g., connectivity, symmetry, etc.), information dissemination (e.g., broadcasting, routing, etc.) and network control (e.g., election, mutual exclusion, etc.) affect the network performance. Topics investigated include algorithmic techniques for searching, routing, broadcasting, web design, mobile agents, etc. Additional research is concerned with security in networked systems. Topics investigated include distributed firewalls, intrusion detection, security in routing, new approaches to authentication management in wireless environments, and radio frequency fingerprinting.

Participating researchers include:

Michel Barbeau,

Evangelos Kranakis,

Danny Krizanc,

Andrzej Pelc,

Nicola Santoro, and

Paul Vanoorschot.

Additional information can be found in the NETWORKS and SECURITY Groups.