Game options:

The first user to connect is the administrator. They have the ability to set the amount of players (and AI), start the game, and to shutdown the server.

The number of players set must be 1 to 3. If not, the default is 3 players. The server will wait for all of these connections before proceeding. Every game will feature 4 'players.' What you're specifying is the number of human players. That is, there is always 1 automated dealer, and up to 3 other humans. If you enter 2, for example, there will be 1 automated dealer, 1 automated player, and 2 actual players.

Please note that this game does have support for disconnections while a game is in progress, but it may differ from what is expected. The assignment was about testing, so it isn't the most robust thing ever. If you want to play a completely new game with a different number of players or made a mistake with input, its easier to just re-start the application... it takes like four seconds. You CAN disconnect and it SHOULD work - but no promises. Administrators that disconnect will result in everyone being disconnected. A different player disconnecting should result in an AI taking over their place.

The way aces are treated is automatic. That is, if the value can be 11, it will be 11. If that makes you go bust, the value becomes 1. This was a simplification step to make life easier.

As far as tests go, the cucumber tests should cover most requirements. However, please note that to account for RNG sometimes expected results may differ (although this has been accounted for).

SPLITTING is NOT currently supported.

Written by Michael Hum for Fall2015 COMP4004.

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