Buses to Merida
- Mexico City to Merida
The trip from Mexico City to Merida takes about 19 hours by bus.
The best buses are
UNO (equivalent to ETN), but it is necessary
to make two trips: One from Mexico City to Villahermosa (about
11 hours) and the other from Villahermosa to Merida (about 8 hours).
- Cancun to Merida
Another option is to arrive in Cancun by plane and take a bus to
Merida, also with UNO (about 4 hours).
All ADO-line buses (ADO, ADO-GL, ADO-UNO) have three stops:
Merida-Fiesta Americana (in the hotel Fiesta Americana)
The first two are good options for the participants. However,
it is recommended
to use the Merida-Fiesta Americana stop.
Regarding the ADO-line buses the one with best service is UNO.