1. General Guidelines
2. Creating HPCVL Accounts
2.1 SunFire Account Creation
2.2 Beowulf Account Creation
3. Deleting HPCVL Accounts
3.1 Sunfire Account Deletion
3.2 Beowulf Account Deletion
In order to facilitate the timely and accurate account creation it is recommended that email be used as the chief correspondence. The use of email should reflect the procedures outlined below so that the proper work flows can be created and managed. It is recommended that all emails should be addressed directly to the next person in the account creation procedure. This is done to avoid confustion and streamline correspondence.
All accounts created on Carleton's HPCVL SunFire are to be approved by the HPCVL head office at Queen's University. Once the Executive Director has approved the account application an account creation request will be sent directly to the HPCVL System Engineer at Carleton who will create the account on the SunFire.
Because the Carleton's HPCVL Beowulf cluster is intended for Computer Science research it has a separate procedure for account creation. The account creation steps are summarized below:
- All Beowulf account application requests will be forwarded directly to the supervisors of Carleton's HPCVL Lab who will approve the account application.
- Once the application has been approved by the lab directors an account creation request is sent to the HPCVL head office in Kingston.
- The System Engineers in Kingston will then create a new Beowulf account username and password and will forward the details to the System Engineer at Carleton's HPCVL Lab.
- The System Engineer at HPCVL Carleton creates the account on the Beowulf cluster and emails the user informing him/her that their account has been activated.
After periods of inactivity dormant user accounts on Carleton's HPCVL resources will be removed permanently from the system. In order to ensure that users have ample time to remove their data user accounts will be gradually phased out over 60 days according to the procedure outlined below.
All of Carleton's HPCVL SunFire accounts are managed from the HPCVL Head
Office in Kingston. The steps below highlight the procedure for removing
domant accounts on Carleton's SunFire:
- The System Engineer of Carleton's SunFire will track user account activity
and flag those accounts that have remained inactive for >30 days.
- The System Engineer will inform all owners of inactive accounts by email that their accounts have been marked for deletion. Emails will also be sent to the Supervisor of HPCVL resources in Kingston.
- After 60 days all inactive user accounts will be disabled and a second email will be send to the account owner and HPCVL lab supervisors. At this point the user will no longer be able to access their account but their data and files will still reside on the system.
- After 80 days of inactivity with no correspondence from the owner of the account a formal request to delete the account will be made by the System Engineer to the HPCVL lab supervisors.
- Once the System Engineer receives approval from HPCVL Lab Supervisors to delete the account all user files and data will be permanently removed from the system. Emails will be sent to both the HPCVL Lab Supervisors and the owner of the account informing them of the deletion.
Beowulf account deletion will follow the same procedure as for Carleton's
SunFire with the provision that all account decisions are to be made by HPCVL
lab supervisors at Carleton. This means that after 80 days of inactivity and
no correspondence with the account owner account deletion will be solely at
the discretion of lab supervisors at Carleton University.