Short Bio
Dr. Guo received her PhD degree in Computing Science from the University of Alberta. Before joining the School of Computer Science at Carleton University, she worked
at the Australian National University as a Research Fellow, and then a tenure-track Assistant Professor and a tenured Associate Professor in
the Department of Computer & Information Sciences at Temple University.
First Runner-up Student Machine Learning Paper Award, ECML/PKDD-21 |
2021 |
NeurIPS 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award |
2021 |
Best Paper Award, TASK-CV Workshop at ECCV-2020 |
2020 |
Chair Award for Outstanding Research, Dept of CIS, Temple University |
2012 |
Outstanding Paper Award, AAAI-12 |
2012 |
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship |
2008 |
Distinguished Paper Award, IJCAI-05 |
2005 |
Ph.D. Research Award, Dept of CS, University of Alberta |
2005 |
Professional Service
Associate Editor,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
Associate Editor,
Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ)
Editorial Board Member,
Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ), 2021.01---2024.12
Senior Program Committee Member or (Senior) Area Chair: AAAI 2016--25, ICLR 2025, ICML 2025, ECAI 2023, IJCAI 2015--21, ACML 2017--19, 2021-22
Co-organizer of ECML-PKDD-22 Workshop:
Multi-Label Learning: Current Trends and Open Challenges
Organizing Committee Member for
The First Ottawa-AI Workshop,
Co-chair/organizer of NIPS-14 Workshop:
Representation and Learning Methods for Complex Outputs
Co-chair/organizer of NIPS-13 Workshop:
Output Representation Learning
Co-chair/organizer of SDM-14, SDM-15 Workshop:
Heterogeneous Learning