Invited Lectures and Seminars
- Russian Neicon Meeting, Moscow, 2017
- Geosensor Networks: Bridging Algorithms and Applications, Schloss Dagstuhl 2013, co-organizer
- Representation, Analysis and Vsualization of Moving Objects, Schloss Dagstuhl 2010, co-organizer
- Representation, Analysis and Vsualization of Moving Objects, Schloss Dagstuhl 2008, co-organizer
- Spatial Data: mining, processing, and communicating, Schloss Dagstuhl 2006, co-organizer
- Plenary Speaker at the European Computational Geometry Conference, Bonn, 2003
- Panel Member, Future of High Performance Computing, CITO, Oct. 2002
- High Performance Spatial Modeling, HPCVL Grand Opening, Nov. 2001
- TIN algorithms, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2000
- Other Prestigious Lectures given: 25th Open Lecture, St. Andrews, 1993
- Experimental Algorithmics, Schloss Dagstuhl 2002
- Computational Geometry Seminar, Schloss Dagstuhl 2007, 2005, 2003, 2000, 1999, 97, 95, 93, 92 and 91
- Data Structures 2006, 2000
- GIS, Schloss Dagstuhl 2003,2001
- Fejes Fóth Lecture, Centre for Computational and Discrete Geometry, Calgary
- University of Münster, Germany
- Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Kyoto University, Japan
- Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
- Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
- Grifith University, Australia
- University of Otago, New Zealand
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver
- University of Alberta, Calgary
- Daltech, Halifax
- University of Patras, Greece
- University of Genova, Italy
- University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Rice University, Houston, Texas
- Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Academy of Sciences, Moskow
- University of Essen, Germany
- University of Helsinki, Finland
- University of Lund, Sweden
- University of Linköping, Sweden
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
- University of Freiburg, Germany
- University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- University of Passau, Germany
- University of Graz, Austria