Comp/Math 3804 A and B offered during Fall 2024
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
An introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. Topics include: divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, linear programming, greedy algorithms, graph algorithms, NP-completeness.
Also listed as MATH 3804.
Prerequisite(s) : (COMP 2402 or SYSC 2100) and either COMP 2804 or (MATH 2007 and MATH 2108).
Lectures three hours a week.
See the Course
Outline for Section A
See the Course
Outline for Section B
My students can access the Course Material via BrightSpace.
Comp 4202/5204 offered during the Winter 2024/25
Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
This is a revamped Undergraduate and Graduate Course on this topic.
This course provides you will insights into how a Geographic Information System , how geographic or spatial data differ from other data, what the technqiues are to store, access and manipulate algorithmically such data. You will get a deeper understanding of how some GIS actually work, e.g., route planning. Having taking this course, you will be able to answer e.g., how do they visualize disease spread, how does Google determine the best route algorithmically, ... You will also be able to explore some aspect of GIS yourself through a project of your chosing (with my help).
Sample chapters include: Data representations and their operations on raster and vector devices: e.g., quadtrees, grid files, digital elevation models,
triangular irregular network models. Analysis and design of efficient
algorithms for solving GIS problems: point location,
shortest path, facility location. (these are covered in more breadth and depth than in 4202).
Prerequisite: A 3rd year course in Data Structures and Algorithms or the
Through recent advances in technology such as navigation systems, mobile
devices, changing user demands and new software such as Mapquest and Google Earth, the field of GIS is
becoming increasingly important and also very interesting from a CS
perspective. Many aspects of our daily lives are effected, the commercial
impact/potential of GIS is tremendous, and novel algorithmic and applied
problems need to be solved. This course lays the foundations to
understand, use and further this technology.
See the Course
My students can access the Course Material via BrightSpace.